So You Got a Pink Slip ? Find your GPS toward a RICH life in 7 days.

Price 14.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781467538466

Brand Self Publish

Sudden separation from a familiar place of comfort,is not easy.Separation from a resource that sustains your lifestyle,can be devastating.Do you know what awaits you on the other side of a Lay off ? More importantly ,do you have a plan,a support system and a haven to brave the storm ? The universal economy has experienced a paradigm shift,that has left many unsure of what to do. "So you got a PINK SLIP ? Find your GPS toward a RICH life in 7 days " is a book with one goal.To help you survive the down ward spiral that is so common when change occurs in your life.We all are innately equipped to survive any kind of storm manifesting in your life.Taking the necessary course of action toward a new way of living after a lay off ,is crucial for success. The author shares a chronological account of life before and after the separation from her job and has it affected her single parent household.Glean the 7 steps she implemented to turn the tide around.