Secrets of Attorney Marketing Law School Dares Not Teach

Price 13.32 - 14.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780989477901

Did law school teach you ANYTHING about how to successfully market your law practice? You wouldn"t have been compelled to read this book if it did, now would you? Contrary to what the public thinks, you and I know being an attorney can at times be a thankless, life-sucking, time consuming, family destroying profession that earns you little more than middle class wages. It"s NOT the best attorneys that make the most money. Many times some of the hardest working and knowledgeable attorneys are the very ones scraping to get by, working 80 hour weeks, and giving up family time and any hope of a life outside the office. From interviewing 150+ attorneys, and seeing the inside of 400+ attorney websites, I can tell you these shocking facts: 1. 97% of attorneys tell me they"ve been burned, more than once, by an unscrupulous marketing company who sees them as their next ATM withdrawal. 2. The top 3 ways attorneys get burned by marketers are: A) the marketing company controls either the hosting or domain name of their website, and "rents" this to the attorney, pulling the rug out at contract"s end, or extorts the attorney for thousands to own their own website; B) Proprietary reporting systems are used to create smoke and mirrors, hiding lack of results; C) Little to no marketing work is actually performed, but instead claimed to have been performed. 3. 95% of attorneys get 0 - 5 visitors to their website a day. (how will you EVER get enough potential clients to call you without enough visitors?) 4. It"s possible, with proper marketing, to get your phone ringing with real, live, breathing potential clients on a DAILY BASIS, earning you 4-8 or more retained clients a month from a properly SEO"d website that draws 100+ unique visitors daily. 5. Over 90% of attorneys sacrifice tens of thousands of dollars a year in lost retentions due to untrained, unfriendly, standoffish office staff, attorney partners, lack of customer intake scripting, and utter lack of potential client follow up. 6. In your city, on your block, there are attorneys charging triple what you charge, making $300k - $500k+ a year, meanwhile other lawyers are whoring themselves out for nickels, and going broke. Yes, in THIS ECONOMY. Richard Jacobs" book, Secrets of Attorney Marketing Law School Dares Not Teach, gives you street fighter strategies and tactics you can use TODAY to earn more, work less, and get off the treadmill of mediocrity. At times irreverant, crude, rude, and unprofessional, Richard exposes the truth about what marketing works, and what doesn"t. If you"re easily offended, stuck on professionalism, "getting your name out there", and feel naked if you have to take a picture without the security of your law books behind you, then do not read this book.