Nassau\"s Historic Landmarks

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780333791844

"Nassau"s Historic Landmarks" attempts to capture through photography, the form and beauty of some of the oldest and most architecturally outstanding buildings of Nassau. From its early days of a few shacks in the 1660s, through attacks by enemies of Britain, it first development as a modern town was begun by Woodes Rogers in the early 18th century. The advent of the Loyalists from America in the 1780s transformed Nassau with the development of the Bahamian Colonial style of architecture. Changes in the economy of Nassau over the last 200 years, together with hurricane damage, have affected the architecture of different areas but the dominant Bahamian Colonial style continues to be adapted and used in some modern buildings. The book comprises maps, etchings and over 130 photographs with detailed captions. It records many of the historic buildings which are a part of the Bahamian heritage, and emphasizes the need for the continued conservation and preservation of historic Nassau.