Room for One More

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780842357111

Room For One More is a beautiful story to share with children whose families are expecting a new member. The story focuses on a little girl’s reaction to the news that her family is adopting a baby. The child observes her parents as they happily make preparations for the newborn. As she watches their activies, she seems fearful and worries that her mommy and daddy will stop loving her after the baby’s arrival. As soon as the busy parents tune into their daughter’s fears, they assure her that their love is not only for now, but will be hers forever and ever. Room For One More reinforces the belief that children need affirmation of parental love especially when the family dynamics are changing. In order to build strong family bonds, reduce sibling rivalry, and create harmonious home environments, parents must maintain open dialogue with their children. The human heart is an amazing organ that has the capacity to grow stronger as it expands. Please read Room For One More with your child/children as your family continues to grow.