Prayer Heart of the Pilgrimage: An adventure in Spritual Formation For The Next Generation, Vol. 3
We may think we know all about prayer. We went to Sunday school and memorized The Lord"s Prayer. We learned to say grace before meals. Today, we say a prayer in times of need and, if we remember, times of gratitude. All you do is say the right words to the air and hope for the best. It may be time to unlearn what we"ve been taught and reject what we"ve assumed if we"re to truly understand prayer and how it"s a central, powerful part of our pilgrimage. Prayer is a time to be in intimate communion with God. A chance to be aware of the constant presence of "God with me," a receptive state where listening is just as important as asking. "In prayer we essentially surrender ourselves to God," Youngman writes in this third volume of The Way of Pilgrimage. "We give up total control of our lives. On this pilgrimage we have to refocus our heart to see God everywhere. Prayer is a way to refocus our spiritual eyes." Discover how to better connect to the heart of God by looking at creative new ways to pray. Learn how to overcome the common barriers that block our ability to listen to God. A Leader"s Guide, covering all five volumes in The Way of Pilgrimage series, is also available.