Exploring Psychology (Paper)
Price 122.33 USD
The new ninth edition merges the rigor of science with a broad human perspective to provide a state-of-the-art introduction to psychology. From vivid presentation and intense attention to detail, to research-based study aids and media learning tools, the inviting, authorial voice of David Myers speaks to the life experiences of all students. New features include: * New study system based on learning and memory research * Over a thousand new research citations - informed by the author"s meticulous, ongoing review of the current scientific literature * New chapter on Gender and Sexuality - includes new and significantly reorganised and updated discussions of gender and sexuality research * Enhanced coverage of clinical psychology * New contributor - Nathan Dewall, University of Kentucky - DeWall assisted with the "Need to Belong" section in Chapter 10, Motivation and Emotion; the "Personal Control" discussion in Chapter 11, Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing; and the "Aggression" discussion in Chapter 13, Social Psychology * New time management section - a new preface helps students maximize their study time * Beautiful new design and contemporary photo programme - this new look provides a modern visual context for the book"s up-to-date coverage