The Prairie Rock Garden (Prairie Garden Books)
Taking the mystery out of prairie rock garden design . . . Momentary blossoms resting against the permanence of stone_the perfect harmony of opposing forces. Rock gardens have captivated gardening enthusiasts ever since enlightened Zen monks in the fifteenth century recognized this irresistible combination. Today, as theme garden design takes its cues directly from nature, rock gardens have never been more popular. Unlike many resources, which provide plant information but little advice on what to do with those plants, The Prairie Rock Garden takes the mystery out of designing, constructing, and maintaining the perfect rockery for the prairies. This comprehensive prairie resource also features: Designing exquisite rock gardens that suit gardeners" landscape and budget; Choosing the best rocks and hardy plants; Constructing prairie rock gardens in lawns, troughs, walls, banks, terraces and ledges; Choosing and preparing the site; Planting and maintaining prairie rock gardens through the seasons. Add to that the extensive list of prairie hardy rockery plants and the more than 100 full-color photographs and illustrations to guide readers from design through maintenance, and The Prairie Rock Garden becomes an invaluable resource for anyone who"s ever been beguiled by nature.