Price 8.16 - 8.34 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1864 edition. Excerpt: ... Be it with the hands inflicts, or gives good to the body, He gives according to the wish and will of Ahura-Mazda. 3. Whoso is the best for the pure, be it through relationship or deeds, 0r through obedience, 0 Ahura, caring for the cattle with activity, He finds himself in the service of Asha and of Vohu-mand. 4. I curse, 0 Mazda, disobedience against Thee and the evil mindedness, The despising of relationship, the Drukhs nearest to the work.f The disdainer of obedience, the bad measure of the fodder of the cattle. 5. I to thy Qraosha.J as the greatest of all, call for help: Give us long life in the kingdom of Vohu-mano, Unto the pure paths of purity, in which Ahura-Mazda dwells. 6. What Zaota (walks) in the pure (paths) of purity he desires after the heavenly Paradise, From him has he help through the Spirit, who thinks the works which are to be done, These are desired by Thee, Ahura-Mazda, for seeing and conversation. 7. Come to me ye best, of Himself may Mazda show to us, Together with Asha and Vohu-mano, who are to be praised before the greatest; May the manifest offerings be manifest to us the worshippers. 8. Teach me to know both laws that I may walk with Vohu-mano. (Teach me to know) the offering of Thy equal Mazda, then your laudable sayings, 0 Asha, Which were made by you as help for Ameretat, as reward for Haurvat. 9. May the dominion greatly increase to Thee, Mazda, (and) to this heavenly (Vohu-mand); May there come brightness, enduring, wisdom through the" best spirit, Accomplishment of that whereby the souls cohere.§ 10. All the enjoyments of life, which were and still are, And which will be, these distribute according to Thy will; May I increase through Vohu-mand, Khshathra and Asha in happiness for the body. 11....