JumpSport 14\" StagedBounce Trampoline

Price 529.00 - 630.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 637602113564

Brand JumpSport

Manufacture Jumpsport, Inc.

With our patented StagedBounce™ technology, 50% of the springs engage immediately, 50% engage a fraction of a second later making the trampoline mat safer, more forgiving, for a low-impact workout with a great bounce. The StagedBounce and other JumpSport models are the first and only trampolines designed to reduce the risk of injury on the jumping surface, where more than half of all trampoline injuries occur. Our 12 foot and 14 foot trampoline systems custom fit with our Safety Enclosures. (Enclosures Sold Separately... don"t jump without one!)