Finno-ugric Language Contacts (Opuscula Fenno-Ugrica Gottingensia ; V. Bd. 9)

Price 43.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780820498508

This edition of collected papers centring round the theme of Finno-Ugric language contact arose from a workshop entitled «Finno-Ugrian Languages in Contact with English (or another Germanic language)» that was offered at the Eleventh International Conference on Methods in Dialectology, held at the University of Joensuu, Finland, in August 2002. Ten articles in total are presented in this volume, the common theme for them all being that they deal with linguistic, sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic or social outcomes of contact between Finno-Ugric (Finnish or Hungarian) and Germanic languages (primarily Australian or American English, but also Norwegian and Swedish). This volume is arranged according to three broad themes. One common theme is that language shift quite often occurs from immigrant languages to the host nation’s language within a period of two generations. A second common theme is code-switching. The third part of this book deals with both substrate and superstrate influences in specific language contact environments.