Free Stuff & Good Deals for Folks over 50 (Free Stuff & Good Deals series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781891661334

From entertainment to health care, this handy guide hunts down deals on goods and services available for those over the age of 50. With information on tourist attractions, dining and entertainment, golf, travel, auditing classes, and tax relief, this bargain hunter"s bible opens up a world of cheap and even free goodies. Information on free health care, details on prescription medicine discounts, and resources featuring sports, fitness, and exercise bargains offer invaluable guidance for individuals nearing or beyond retirement age. Included are practical listings of health organizations and public and private agencies that work for seniors, as well as a list of books and magazines aimed at mature adults. Advice for using the Internet and lists of toll-free numbers to find great deals are also provided.