Rattlesnake Dance

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780399227554

One desert day hot as a frying pan, a rattlesnake slithered across the sand. Little does this rattlesnake know that soon he"ll be doing...the rattlesnake dance! And you"ll be doing it too! Preeminent naturalist Jim Arnosky has created not only a book of pure fun, but he"s written a song and made up a dance to go along with it. With over thirty-five children"s books to his credit, as well as a feature on Reading Rainbow, Jim Arnosky"s love of nature--both serious and fun--has influenced children all over the country for decades. Little Lions was named one of the Top Ten 1998 Animal Books for Children by Booklist, who called it "a picture book with a fine combination of dignity and playfulness."