ABAQUS for CATIA V5 Tutorials
Price 58.44 USD
ABAQUS for CATIA (AFC), the software tool, uses the powerful pre- and post- processing capability of CATIA V5 to set up problems for solution using the versatile FEA solver, ABAQUS. Currently, AFC is Capable of solving problems involving linear and non linear static as well as thermal analyses. This tutorial book uses a step-by-step approach to uncover the different capabilities of AFC for the user. The chapters cover a Wide variety of Topics and are arranged in a way such that the user of this text can start with simpler linear analyses and slowly get into more complex problems such as those involving non-linear analyses, multi-step analyses, temperature dependent behavior, composite materials, contact problems, hybrid elements, etc. The authors expect the user of this book to have some prior knowledge of CATIA and after going through these tutorials someone who starts as a first-time user of AFC can become an expert user of all the features of this tool. Table of Contents 1. Introduction to AFC 2. Linear Elastic Analysis of a Notched Plate 3. Elastic-plastic Analysis of a Notched Plate 4. Steady State Heat Transfer of Fin 5. Transient Cooling of a Block 6. A Two-step Elastic Analysis 7. Elastic-plastic Thermal Stress Analysis during Quenching 8. Elastic Analysis of a Composite Plate 9. Contact Interaction Between A Plate and A Cylinder 10. Beam Bending Analysis 11. Truss Analysis 12. Compound Beam using the Fastened Connection 13. Compression of a Cylindrical Billet Between Two Rigid Plates 14. A Hybrid Model of Solid/Shell/Beam Elements 15. Virtual Parts in AFC 16. Compression of a Hyperelastic Gasket 17. Thermal Contact 18. A simple Metal Forming Analysis