In Re The Goodall Trust Appeal No. A137190: Appeal to the California Court of Appeal First Appellate District
Price 25.40 USD
Sam Sloan was Appointed Administrator of the Estate of K. Michael Goodall with Will Annexed by the Marin County Probate Court in California. Upon receiving his appointment, Sloan discovered that the entire Goodall Estate had been stolen by Bank of America, who wanted to “donate” the Goodall millions to Guide Dogs for the Blind, leaving the legitimate Goodall heirs with nothing. This appeal is part of a so far two year court battle to save the Goodall Estate from going to the Dogs. Guide Dogs for the Blind has shown itself to be the Epitome of Evil in the charities rackets, preying on wealthy elderly people, getting them to sign away their estates on their death beds on the pretext that their money is going to a noble cause, but instead it is going to an avaricious gang who pay themselves millions of dollars in salaries, and have compiled and accumulated more than $300 million in net assets. If the death bed signatures are not forthcoming, no problem. By expedient means, the signatures are forged. After all: Dead Men Tell No Tales