Prayer Never Fails: Especially During Trials
Price 13.05 - 13.74 USD
Author Berney K. Dorton has written Prayer Never Fails Especially During Trials to emphasize the spiritual strength and fortitude required to pray consistently - even in the face of considerable adversity. She vividly describes the tragic loss of her love ones, and how she cared for her sick child while addressing personal health issues and Berney"s faith and fervent prayers helped her cope with the ordeal. The heart-wrenching story reminds us how precious life is and how quickly tragic events can transpire to change it. This book heightens people"s awareness of the value of prayer and its infinite possibilities. Berney highlights prayer as the safe haven that she can always rely on and through faith, she is able to serve an invisible God who may not be perceptible by vision or understood by intellect, but who nonetheless guides us with His spirit through trials. Outside conflict and inside fears; represent trouble. Berney, has experienced both, but she faced the trials by prevailing in prayer.