Meet the Future Head-On: Rediscovering America"s Progressive Majority

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780975276396

Brand Vox Pop

Most people in America are share a set of common values. We want a few good, basic things out of life: a good job we can believe in, a worthwhile education for our kids, healthcare we can afford, a clean environment, honesty from politicians, and peace. All of which is too much to ask for, from today’s phony, careerist "leaders" in the two big parties. There’s a crisis going on, and it presents a historic opportunity for some new politics. Americans share common values, and these values transcend political categories. The two big parties, however, tend to place material wealth and power at a higher ranking than the common values of the people. Thus, neither party represents regular people. There’s a "big tent" of people who don’t like where this country has gone since 9/11. We don’t want the USA to be the bully of the globe. We don’t like the trashing of the Bill of Rights. We want the USA to lead the world through the strength of our ideas, not the brutality of our weapons. Americans desire change and equality; the two major parties, however, are dinosaurs. Americans are sick of their "politics of death:? war, empire, the addiction to oil, corporate control, and saturation advertising. Meet the Future Head On advances a new set of ten "Principals for Progressives" for a politics of the future. Among them: Nonviolence, Spiritual Revolution, and Future Capital. America needs a national public interest venture capital fund to incubate "public-interest corporations? dedicated to alternative energy, organic agriculture, national health care, and public health. Written by a patriot, a progressive and a practicing Roman Catholic punk rocker, Meet the Future Head On is a blast of fresh political ideas to carry us into a new day.