Heaven on a Stick: A Self-Illustrated Anecdotal Examination of Fly-Fishing and Fly-Fishing Retreats Around the World

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780864175410

Brand Kangaroo Pr

This is the account of the travels of a man with an obsession for fly-fishing. Chris Hole planned two detailed safaris - one around the Southern hemisphere and one around the North. He took with him watercolours, cameras, notebooks and rods to experience, record and illustrate over 40 different fly-fishing locations around the world. He covered 150,000 km and 16 countries, and caught 260 fish in 178 days of overseas travel. All the chapters of the book include photographs, watercolours, tales of other notable fishermen and quotes from other enthusiasts. Chris Hole visits, in order, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Patagonia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, England, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Baffin Island, Labrador, Idaho, Montana, Yellowstone, British Columbia and Kiribati.