An Essay on the Nature of the English Verse; With Directions for Reading Poetry
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1799. Excerpt: ... Wh E N the accented syllable happens to be an insignificant particle, or a syllable, on which the voice cannot properly rest, the verse is lame and inharmonious." Examples. 1" This nymph to the destruction of mankind. Rape of the L. ii. 19. Th advent"rous baron the bright locks admir"d. Ib. 29, Is the great chain, that draws all to agree. Ess. on M. i. 33. Or which must end me, a fool"s wrath or love. Prol. to Sat. 30. When victims at yon altar"s foot we lay. Eloisa, j 08. And heighten"d by the diamond"s circling rays. Rape of the L". iv. 115. While angels nuitb their silver wings o"erstiade. Pope, Eleg. 67, Starting from sleep with a distracted air. II. v. 502. Tranfpierc"d his back with a distionest wound. II, xiii. 691. c Talthybius Tahhybius and Eurybates the good. II. i.4.21. Each word-catcber, that lives on syllables. Prol. to Sat. 166. Burnt after them to the bottomless pit. P. L. vi. 866. As a despite done against the most high. Ib. 906. If in reading the foregoing lines we were to follow the poet"s erroneous accentuation, our pronunciation would be ridiculous. §X. Th E structure of the verse is irregular, when the poetical and the oratorial accent do not perfectly coincide. EXAMPLES. His own works and their works at once to view. P. L. iii. 59. Drew after him the third part of heav"n"s host. v. 710. Orer his foes and thine, there shall surprise. xii. 453. The god, the god, revenges by my lunds. Odys. ix. 8641 he court is icyless, for thou art not there. Ib. .217. § XI. Mr. Pope has observed, that u in every « smooth verse of ten syllables, there is naturally "A Pause at the fourth, fifth, or sixth fylla"ble ." This pause is independent on those points or stops, which the rules of punctuation require. A pause on the fourth syllable:...