Let Me Go

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780802714350

The extraordinary memoir, praised across Europe, of a daughter"s final encounter with her mother, a former SS guard at Auschwitz. In 1941, in Berlin, Helga Schneider"s mother abandoned her, her younger brother, and her father. Thirty years later-- when she saw her mother again for the first time-- Schneider discovered the shocking reason: Her mother had joined the Nazi SS and had become a guard in concentration camps, including Auschwitz-Birkenau and Ravensbrück, where she was in charge of a "correction" unit and responsible for untold acts of torture. Nearly three more decades would pass before their second and final reunion, an emotional encounter at a Vienna nursing home, where her mother, then eighty-seven and unrepentant about her past, was ailing. Let Me Go is an extraordinary account of that meeting. Their conversation-- which Schneider recounts in spellbinding detail-- triggers childhood memories, and she weaves these into her account, powerfully evoking the misery of Nazi and postwar Berlin. Yet it is her internal struggle-- a daughter"s sense of obligation colliding with the inescapable horror of what her mother has done-- that will stay with readers long after the book has ended.