Death Takes the Bus

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780887390999

A tale of men whose trade is violence, whose tools are guns, whose wage is death. The plan was well made. The bus carrying Hardin to the death house was commandeered precisely on schedule. Hardin, free of handcuffs, backed by his number-one thug, forced the bus out into the desert toward the rendezvous with the black sedan. And then the plan exploded. The sand storm rose—one of the worst in Southern California’s history—and the bus mired down hopelessly. Hardin’s gunman raped a girl. The bus driver was shot to death. And—most dangerous of all—courage flamed in the shocked passengers. Weaponless, silent, but as one, they struck back against the men of violence—and paid them off in their own brutal coin! Lionel White’s classic novel of suspense is now available as an Kindle eBook.