Charles Chesterfield, Or, the Adventures of a Youth of Genius - Vol III
Price 27.71 - 53.38 USD
OF the trio thus debarred from tasting the sweet breath of summer, Charles Chesterfield was the least discontented for the moral infliction had as much of novelty for him in many respects now, as when the heat, the dust, and the din were hallowed by fashion. Vauxhall appeared to him the realization of the most brilliant fables of the Arabian Tales, Kensington Gardens a royal Paradise, Richmond a courtly Arcadia, and the river Thames an unceasing regatta, on which the barge of Cleopatra seemed ever before him, when the Lord Mayor or any of his golden compeers cc disported on its azure wave. It certainly did happen, sometimes, that the poor lad felt exceedingly tired of Mrs. Sherbourne, and her engrossing love but he was too young and too gentle-hearted to let this feeling keep him away from her, as he truly believed it would break her heart if he did. The lady, however, like most others, was as quick to perceive the fading of the passions she inspired, as the growth of them, and was perfectly aware that the young poet was tired to death of her. But this was ,a matter of the most perfect indifference., As long as it was certain that in a few months he would be in possession of four thousand pounds in ready money, so long it was certain would her fond attachment last and the only question in her mind wag whether it mould be wisest to marry, and make him responsible for her debts, or lead him to elope with her to the continent, and there enjoy, as Mrs. Chesterfield, the satisfaction of expending the money without shackling herself by any ceremony which might render the connesion troublesome when it was, gone. There were many reasons which led her decidedly to prefer the latter course, and there is little doubt she would have adopted it, had she not perceived such decided symptoms of recovered reason in the young man as led her to doubt her power of inducing him to take the spirited course she meditated. It was then that she blessed the forethought which had taught her, when hi madness was at its height, to extract from him a note containing an explicit promise of Marriage.....