Applied Thermosciences: Practices and Applications
Price 62.83 - 82.98 USD
Applied Thermosciences is designed as a complete course text in mechanical, energy, aeronautical and environmental engineering. The text is comprehensive in its coverage, lays special stress on the basic concepts, the approach is systematic and logical and emphasis throughout is placed on the application of the theory to real processes. Thermodynamics of fluid flow, principles of refrigeration, air-conditioning, heat transfer and harnessing solar energy has been discussed because they form an important constituent of applied thermosciences.Also available: Introduction to Functional Analysis with Applications - ISBN 1904798918 Microwaves And Optoelectronics - ISBN 1904798438Anshan Publishers is a publisher of fine medical, scientific, and technical books. We find the best titles from our worldwide publishing partners and bring them to the global marketplace. We publish in a wide range of fields, including:- Biological Sciences Biotechnology Chemistry Engineering Material Science Microbiology Pure and Applied Physics Pure and Applied Mathematics Statistics