A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Antient Greece (Volume 2)

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235751974

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1854. Excerpt: ... CHAP. XX. HESIOD. 1. HESIOD, LIKE HOMES, THE EPONYMUS OF A SCHOOL. HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY. SUPFLEMENTARY LEGEND.--2. CHARACTEB1STIC8 OP THE HESIODIC, AS COUP ARED WITH THE HOMERIC, POETRY.--3. WORKS AND DAYS. UNITY OF ITS COMPOSITION 4. PASSAGES OF DOUBTFUL AUTHENTICITY. SUP-POSED MUTHJL.TION OF THE TEXT. 5. ORIGINALITY OF STYLE AND SENTI-MENT.--6. EPISODES. DESCRIPTIONS. MORAL DOCTRINES. SURAL ECONOMY. 7. AGE OF THE AUTHOR. 8. THEOGONY.--9. MERITS AND DEFECTS OF ITS COMPOSITION AND DOCTRINES.--10. PARALLEL OF HOMER. INCOHE-RENCE OF THE ACTION.--11. PR003MIA OF THE THEOGONY. CLOSING LINES OF THE POEM.--12. STYLE 13. AGE AND AUTHOB8HIP.--14. SHIELD OF HERCULES.--15. ITS COMPOSITION AND 8TYLE.--16. AGE AND OB1G1NAL FORM. 17. LOST POEMS OF "HESIOD." CATALOGUE OF WOMEN. EOE.--18. MELAMPODIA. ASTRONOMY. MAXIMS OF CHIRON.--19..2EG1MIU8. 20. NUPTIALS OF CEYX. ELEGY ON BATRACHUS. ID.EI DACTYLI. ORNI THOMANTIA. DESCENT OF THESEUS TO HADES. EPITHALAM1UM OF PELEUS AND THETIS. 1. The chapter of poetical history for which this Hesiai, celebrated name supplies materials, presents several mer."the features of analogy to that devoted to the still more TM celebrated name of Homer. Each title is to be con-sidered as denoting a twofold personality: first, an individual poet, originator of a certain style of com-position, and author of its standard models; secondly, the eponyme patriarch of a race or school of authors, by whom that style was cultivated. In every age of classical criticism, the leading works of each poet or school supplied a favourite and fertile field of commen-tary to the most distinguished grammarians.1 In each case, among the numerous poems with which either 1 See Giittl. in Preef. ad Hcs. p. xxx. sqq., to which list may be added Xenoplianes (frg. vn. Karst.)...