The Twin Towers: Terror and Love Stories
The Twin Towers Terror and Love Bin Laden’s al-Qaida organization is planning a mega-attack; one of its commanders is Mohammad Atta who organizes several terrorist cells, in each of which there is at least one pilot. At first the terrorists plan to use tube-launched missiles and spray chemicals on densely populated areas, and later to hijack aircraft over Canada and Mexico. Their main targets were passenger and military vessels. Finally they come up with the brilliant idea of hijacking aircraft in the United States and aiming them at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the White House and Congress. Mohammad Atta, motivated by his deep belief in the fanatic branch of Islam, begins building a task force and training pilots. During preparations for the operation he appears to be a full-fledged European: he drinks alcohol, shaves his beard, frequents bars and even befriends Western women. Totally oblivious of his sinister intentions, Jessica Olson, an executive secretary at a New York university, helps him to achieve his goal, but declines his offer to take her on one of his flights. She marries an engineering student who works for a corporation located at the World Trade Center. They have two children. Jessica is diagnosed with cancer, she later recovers, and her husband Charles leaves for a work seminar. At the same time, Colonel Jonathan Green, who works for military intelligence, alerts his colleagues about terrorist organizations threatening the free world, but no one listens to him. His wife Jenny is suffering from problems related to infertility, but she finally conceives and gives birth to a daughter whom they name Hope. Jonathan leaves for a symposium on terrorism, and is supposed to be home for his daughter’s third birthday party on September 11, 2001. Charles boards the aircraft together with Mohammad Atta. The plane crashes into the World Trade Center’s northern tower, where his office is situated. He manages to speak to his wife Jessica over his cell phone, hears Mohammad Atta, his eyes fiery, scream Allahu Akhbar, and then the plane crashes. Colonel Green boards the aircraft and realizes that the terrorists are directing the plane at the well-guarded Pentagon building. He manages to say a few words to Jenny over before he too hears the blood curdling words, Allahu Akhbar. The two women and their children meet at the memorial service held for the victims. They hold hands and help one another. They share the same fate. Glen Cheney completes a pilot’s course and is stationed on an aircraft carrier. Earlier he meets Kondahar, a young Afghani woman who has come to the United States as a student, in order to return and help her country. Glen and the Kondahar meet at the university and fall in love. He promises to marry her, but the Twin Tower tragedy thwarts their plans. He sails to the Persian Gulf on an aircraft carrier, following President Bush’s declaration of war. Kondahar’s world falls apart, and she decides to leave for Afghanistan to help her people and family who have become refugees. She works for the UN refugee aid organization and leaves for a food warehouse. Glen receives orders to target a Taliban warehouse. After releasing the missile he realizes that he has targeted a UN warehouse. Kondahar, who is pregnant with Glen’s child, is injured. President Bush pledges not only to fight the terrorists but also those who protect them, countries such as Iran, Syria and Iraq. Saddam Hussein, who in the past has employed chemical warfare against the Iranians, Kurds and Iraqis, mocks the UN inspectors, and does not heed the British and American ultimatum. The Americans teach the world an enlightening lesson in warfare, employing sophisticated means. They conquer Iraq with surprisingly few causalities. Saddam manages to escape unscathed. His statue is smashed in the city square. Nine months later, in a brilliant American operation, the tyrant is caught. He looks miserable and frightened. He is not the Saladin whom the Moslem fanatics thought he was. He disappointed them all. The book raises pertinent questions: how could such a terrorist attack take place under the very nose of the most advanced intelligence communities around the world such as the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Israel? How is it possible that Bin Laden continues to threaten the free world? It is amazing that he has still not been captured, and continues to sow devastation the world over. How is it possible that Iraq was so easily conquered, with so few casualties? Where was Saddam and his illustrious army? How is it possible that Saddam behaved like a coward, when he could have become a hero, had he committed suicide? The author asks these questions and offers answers, a result of his vast experience in the intelligence community.