Footminders Casual Orthotic Arch Support Insoles for Dress Shoes (Pair) (X-LARGE: Men 11½ - 13) - Relief for Foot Pain Due to Flat Feet and Plantar Fasciitis
Price 31.95 - 34.95 USD
RelieveFoot Pain Due to Flat Feet and Plantar Fasciitis with FootmindersCasual Orthotic InsolesDesignedby podiatrists for pain-relieving arch support and comfort- For use in men’s & women’s low-heeledslip-on shoes, including moccasins - Recommended by podiatrists and chiropractors to relieve foot pain andplantar fasciitis due to flat feet and low arches - Specially designed by podiatrists to provide firm arch support andcushioning - Provides biomechanical alignment of your lower body by preventingover-pronation (rolling inward at the ankles) - Thousands of satisfied customers all over the world Footminders Casual Orthoticsare 3/4-length podiatrist-designed orthotic insoles for men"s &women"s low-heeled slip-on shoes, including moccasins. Thisbiomechanical arch support helps realign body posture, in many casesrelieving foot pain, heel pain due to plantar fasciitis, knee pain andlower back pain caused by over-pronation, a very common biomechanicalimbalance affecting the entire lower body. It is ideal for people whowork on their feet, or who need to stand on walk for prolonged periodsof time.SAVE!!10% Discount on orders includingFootminders productsover $45 100% Money Back - SatisfactionGuaranteedBuyyour Footminders Casual insoles today and find the pain relief you"vebeen looking for!