Chancellorsville Battlefield (includes Fredericksburg and Salem Church), Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Robert E. Lee"s great Pyrrhic victory: he won the battle but lost Stonewall Jackson. Scale: 1"= 1 mile Map image: 211/2" x 13" Overall size: 18" x 28" Style: Watercolor and colored pencil map showing crops, fences, houses, farms, watercourses, woods and significant terrain. No troop movements depicted. Reverse side: Text includes an account of Jedadiah Hotchkiss"s mapping of the Chancellorsville Battlefield after the May 1863 confederate victory. Reproductions include Hotchkiss"s map in full color, three pages from his sketchbook, and a photograph of some of his surveying instruments. Also reproduced is a map by fellow Confederate mapmaker, W.W. Blackford. Packaged in a reusable sleeve. A History Book Club Selection.