144 Fortune Teller Miracle Fish - Fortune Telling Fish

Price 7.95 - 16.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 97138671073, 943167631673

Manufacture Country USA

Place this paper-thin red plastic fish in the palm of your hand and its movements will indicate your romantic state. No one knows romance like a fish! As a unique and fun give-a-way I offer the Fortune Teller Fish to kids at birthday parties and to adults at cocktail receptions. Many adults recall these fish from their own childhood days and it"s amusing to see grown adults toying with them. The fish is actually made of a space-age polymer plastic that is heat sensitive. When placed flat in a person"s hand, their own body heat will cause the fish to wiggle and move like magic! DON"T TELL THEM THIS! Place the fish in another person"s hand and explain that the fish has special powers and that the way that it twitches will predict their future.