Nevada in Your Future: The Complete Relocation Guide for Job-Seekers, Businesses, Retirees and Snowbirds
Price 17.95 USD
More than 37 million people visit Nevada each year, and an increasing number of them are deciding to stay. Nevada in Your Future is a complete relocation guide for this booming state that contains everything a prospective Nevada resident needs to know. Written in the Martins’ trademark breezy, informative style, the book is aimed at job seekers, small-business owners, retirees, and snowbirds, covering all the essentials such as climate, population trends, job opportunities, schooling, living costs, economic trends, medical facilities, crime stats, and state laws. Because the state is famous for its advantageous taxes and pro-business climate, there’s a special section written by a resident expert that discusses in depth how to incorporate in the state and/or move a small business there.