Massively Open:: How Massive Open Online Courses Changed the World
Price 22.49 - 24.99 USD
In one of the most rapid adoptions of an educational innovation in history, the rise of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) has become a significant opportunity for millions of students from all over the world to receive quality education over the internet at no cost. At the same time it has become a source of great optimism as well as foreboding for educational professionals. The game changing potential of this innovation could change the form and system of higher education. The frustration of students who are racking up unprecedented amounts of debt for their educations is nearing a tipping point. If students can earn college credits and even degrees at no cost, the number of tuition paying students at traditional educational institutions could fall dramatically. With ever increasing levels of quality and access, MOOCs are causing us to rethink the educational system, the role of the educator and student, and the role of education in society. What the post-MOOC educational landscape will look like depends upon the choices we make today, choices which must be made through careful consideration. Massively Open is an overview of the implications of this potentially disruptive innovation.