Watch Your Words: The Rowman & Littlefield Language-Skills Handbook for Journalists

Price 12.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780742529960

Click here for updates to this edition. Journalists trade in words. Using language accurately, clearly, and consistently is part of their job—and this skill is equally important for writers and editors. Watch Your Words is designed as a handbook for quick and accessible classroom and newsroom use. Consistent with The Associated Press Stylebook, it establishes a baseline for language-skills knowledge in the areas of punctuation, grammar and usage, as well as AP style. Self-tests, answer keys, and sections on spelling and copyediting symbols are also included. Mastery of the material in Watch Your Words can equip the student or professional with the basic tools for producing clean copy. For information on how to bundle this book with other Rowman & Littlefield textbooks, contact