Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy Movie Posters (Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Movie Posters)

Price 20.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781887893350

Excerpt from the Introduction: Welcome to the eleventh volume of The Illustrated History of Movies Through Posters. This volume focuses on horror, science fiction and fantasy films. It is a sequel of sorts to volume seven in the series, Horror Movie Poster. Because the earlier volume focused solely on the horror genre, this volume has a greater emphasis on fantasy and science fiction. Because the classic films of the 1930s and 1940s were extensively covered in my auction volumes, this volume focuses more on the years after 1950. Even so, there were still thousands of images from which I had to choose and I tried to present a cross-section of the genres throughout the history of film, with emphasis on the most important films and the most striking images. The posters are in chronological order to better show the evolution of the genres, with the exception of the Star Wars and Star Trek films, which are grouped together within each series.