New Brunswick Book of Everything: Everything You Wanted to Know About New Brunswick and Were Going to Ask Anyway
Price 12.00 - 13.95 USD
From the number of kilometers of coastline, to the stories behind those weird place names (hello Skeedaddle Ridge) to profiles of Stompin’ Tom and Frank McKenna, no book is more comprehensive than the New Brunswick Book of Everything. No book is more fun.Well-known New Brunswickers weigh in on a whole range of subjects Arthur Doyle’s five most memorable New Brunswick political scandals; meteorologist Claude Cote tells us his five biggest New Brunswick weather stories, and David Ganong tells us his five favourite memories of growing up in New Brunswick. Stories of the First People, the worst weather, New Brunswick slang, the most infamous crimes . . . it’s all here!Whether you are a life long resident or visiting for the first time, there simply is no other book that delivers the goods. If you love New Brunswick, you’ll love the New Brunswick Book of Everything.