Simple Strip Small Project Wallpaper removal Kit
The Simple Strip wallpaper remover system removes wallpaper quickly and easily, often in whole sheets. The unique HydroSheet technology holds the enzyme paste dissolving solution against the wall to soften the paste. To remove the wallpaper with Simple Strip follow these three simple steps. Firstly score the wallpaper with the scoring tool. This creates thousands of tiny holes. Next soak the sheets in the solution and apply them to the wall. Finally when the wallpaper can be easily removed. Take down the reusable sheets and use the skimmer tool to skim the old wallpaper away from the wall. Any left over adhesive can be removed by spaying the wall with the solution and wiping down with a cloth. The Simple Strip Small Project Kit contains everything you need to strip wallpaper quickly and easily. Ideal for: Anyone with wallpaper to strip. The kit removes all types of wallpaper including Vinyl Coated, Fabric and Grasscloth, even if it has been painted! The product is also gentle on drywall. Strips approximately: 750 Square Feet (2 large rooms) Additional solution is required for more than 2 rooms. SPECIAL OFFER: Now includes a FREE Wallwik Skimmer.