U.S. Antitrust Law and Enforcement: A Practice Introduction

Price 175.75 - 185.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780199795673

U.S. Antitrust Law and Enforcement provides readers with an updated unique and straight-forward introduction to United States antitrust law. This book delivers a one-stop introduction to the entire field of antitrust law and practice, allowing law firm and in-house practitioners who do not specialize in antitrust, foreign attorneys, newly-minted lawyers, and law students to quickly gain an understanding of the wide variety of issues and policies affected by U.S. antitrust laws. The Second Edition features new Supreme Court decisions as well as analyses of important revisions to the Merger Guidelines used by the federal antitrust enforcement agencies and to the Hart-Scott-Rodino Rules and the premerger notification report form. U.S. Antitrust Law and Enforcement helps attorneys develop the ability to spot and analyze antitrust law issues by providing an approachable overview of the statutes and regulations that make up the law, the leading Supreme Court decisions that create the framework for analysis found in lower court cases, the elements that must be proved to make out a claim under the various antitrust laws, and the guidelines and policy statements that describe antitrust enforcement at the federal agency level.