NHS Jargon Explained

Price 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781846194696

Why is TALOIA bandied about in clinics and on wards? Who - or what - is DAN? If someone mentioned Practice Based Commissioning or the Standardised Mortality Ratio, would you understand what they meant? Like any specialised area, the NHS generates clouds of terms, acronyms and shorthand vital for those in the know but virtually impenetrable to outsiders or those new to healthcare. New acronyms or the jargon of areas outside their immediate expertise can be utterly baffling even to old hands. This book brings together an up-to-date, clearly explained glossary of specialised terminology and acronyms used at all levels of the NHS, from primary care surgeries to hospital wards, admin departments to executive boardrooms. It is essential reading for workers in the NHS at all levels, including managers, administrators and clinical professionals, and for managers and staff at commercial companies working with the NHS. Specialty registrars and consultants can also find this information, and much more, in The Doctor"s Handbook Parts 1 and 2, by the same author.