OCR PE for A2 Whiteboard Etextbook
Price 40.68 USD
OCR PE FOR A2 follows on from the bestselling student text, OCR PE FOR AS (Hodder Education, 2008). Offering comprehensive coverage of the new A2 specification, OCR PE FOR A2 can also be used on other current A level PE courses. Written by an established team of experienced teachers, OCR PE FOR A2 provides clear learning objectives, definitions of key terms, examples and practical applications, guidance on exam technique, exam-style and review questions, and helpful bulleted summaries. To aid learning, students have access to Student Online, which provides students with a wealth of interactive features, such as mini-quizzes for self-testing. Also available is the companion teacher resource CD-ROM, OCR PE FOR A2 DYNAMIC LEARNING NETWORK EDITION (ISBN 978 0 340 95870 4). In addition to all the Dynamic Learning Student Online materials, this Network Edition offers an even wider range of support and stimulus for teachers and their students.