Nocilla Lab (Nocilla Lab) (Narrativa (Punto de Lectura)) (Spanish Edition)

Price 9.30 - 9.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9788466324458

Nocilla lab is a disturbing, visionary and self-referring road trip where a man and a woman seek to initiate the Project: an excuse to delve into their dreams and their relationship. The journey comes to an end at an old prison where one man faces another and, surrounded by an air of tension and suspense worthy of the most disturbing thriller, a man must face his own demons in an ending that will take the reader completely by surprise. Nocilla lab can be described as an accurate portrayal of the art of creating, writing, and imagining. Spanish Description: Una road movie autorreferencial y visionaria, inquietante, donde un hombre y una mujer buscan poner en marcha el Proyecto, una excusa para hurgar en sus suenos y en su propia relacion. Un certero relato del arte de crear, de escribir, de imaginar. El trayecto acaba en una antigua prision en la que un hombre se enfrenta a otro, con el suspense y la tension de un thriller, un hombre contra si mismo en un final original y sorprendente.