Signal Through the Flames: Mitch Snyder and the America"s Homeless

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780934134248

Brand Sheed & Ward

Signal Through the Flames is the story of the Community for Creative Non-Violence (CCNV) and their experiments with living the gospel in 20th century America. CCNV"s discovery of the homeless in the early "70s has led to a 15 year commitment to become the nation"s messengers, to blow the horn and alert us to the danger in our midst: growing numbers of human beings living and dying on the streets and the loss of our deepest spiritual values.How could a small band of non-violent activists galvanize an entire society to respond to a group of people Americans didn"t see and didn"t want to see? How could they alert us in an historical era undergoing a powerful backlash against the activism of the "60s and concern for the poor? The Community"s non-violence would have to be very creative indeed.And so it is. CCNV has developed a unique and highly effective style of prophetic politics, applying Gandhian principles of non-violence to media saturated America. In one powerful drama after another, CCNV members turn themselves inside out - and reveal the outraged hope and angry love that comes from living with the poor.