International Trade Law, Second Edition (Aspen Casebook Series)
Price 172.90 - 201.00 USD
Guzman, based in the United States with a PhD. in economics, and Pauwelyn, based in Europe with experience working for the WTO secretariat, bring an international and methodological perspective to this comprehensive text. Appropriate for a two- to three-hour international trade course, International Trade Law covers all aspects of WTO law, including trade in goods, services, and TRIPS. Using classic and recent cases, stimulating questions and insightful explanatory material, this text provides a balance of positive and normative approaches, mixing legal decisions with analysis of the challenges facing the international trading system.The Second Edition has been updated to include recent political and economic events, issues and policy debates, and supplements new developments in case law with additional questions. Hallmark features:Prepared by two leading WTO scholars providing a balanced international and methodological perspective.Up-to-date, discriminating case selection presents both classic cases and recent doctrine.Contextualizes international trade issues with insights into key economic factors at work.Key WTO cases are edited and presented to illustrate and teach central concepts and doctrine.Illuminating introductory and explanatory material throughout . Helpful summaries of key teaching points are included in each chapter. Well-crafted questions stimulate class discussion on policy issues. Manageable length for two- and three-credit courses. Adaptable to graduate-level courses in international trade. Comprehensive Teachers Manual with answers to questions as well as teaching suggestions, tips, and supplementary material appropriate for class discussion.Complemented by a thorough and up-to-date documents supplement. The Second Edition has been revised to include: Updates for currency, including: Transition from the Bush administration to the Obama administration. The global financial crisis. Deadlock in the Doha Round of trade talks.Impasse in regional trade deals. Protectionist pressure discussion, with examples from U.S. and Europe.Status of the EC Hormones dispute. New EU GSP scheme.Coverage of debates on industrial policy, especially in China and other emerging countries.More extensive discussion of the negotiating history surrounding the mergence of the GATT in 1947.New case law, including: Key TRIPs cases.U.S.-China (Poultry)U.S. (Cotton 21.5).Colombia (Ports of Entry). Thai (Cigarettes).China (Audiovisuals). U.S. (AD & CVD).U.S. (Aircraft). U.S. (Tyres)