Quantum Physics of Consciousness
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The Quantum Physics of the Mind, Explained. Table of Contents 1. The Conscious Observer in the Quantum Experiment Fred Kuttner and Bruce Rosenblum, 2. Quantum Reality and Mind. Henry P. Stapp, 3. Cosmos and Quantum: Frontiers for the Future. Menas Kafatos, Schmid 4. Neoclassical Cosmology, Cosmos and Quantum. Theodore Walker Jr., 5. Can Discoverability Help Us Understand Cosmology? Nicholas Beale, 6. On Meaning, Consciousness and Quantum Physics. Yair Neuman, and Boaz Tamir, 7. Quantum Reality and Evolution Theory. Lothar Schäfer, 8. Four Perspectives on Consciousness. Varadaraja V. Raman, 9. Synchronicity, Quantum Information and the Psyche. Francois Martin, Ph.D., Federico Carminati, , Giuliana Galli Carminati, 10. Speculations about the Direct Effects of Intention on Physical Manifestation. Imants Barus 11. Consciousness and Quantum Measurement: New Empirical Data. York H. Dobyns, 12. Consciousness and Quantum Physics. Gordon Globus, 13. Logic of Quantum Mechanics and Phenomenon of Consciousness Michael B. Mensky, 14. A Quantum Physical Effect of Consciousness Shan Gao 15. The Universe, Quantum Physics, and Consciousness. Subhash Kak, 16. Does Quantum Mechanics Require A Conscious Observer? Michael Nauenberg, 17. Consciousness Vectors Steven Bodovitz, 18. Quantum Physics, Advanced Waves and Consciousness Antonella Vannini and Ulisse Di Corpo, 19. The Quantum Hologram And the Nature of Consciousness Edgar D. Mitchell and Robert Staretz 20. Quantum Physics and the Multiplicity of Mind: Split-Brains, Fragmented Minds, Dissociation, Quantum Consciousness. R. Joseph. 21. Consciousness in the Universe Sir Roger Penrose, and S. Hameroff, M.D.,