Negotiation 2007-2008: 2007 Edition |a 2007 ed. (Blackstone Bar Manual Blackstone Bar Manual)

Price 67.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780199212231

Negotiation deals comprehensively with the challenging task of becoming a successful legal negotiator. Every lawyer must gain the skills necessary to master the art of negotiation, and so this manual takes the student through a step-by-step guide on how to prepare and conduct a negotiation. It provides clear explanations of strategies and tactics as well as accounts of the psychological and behavioral influences that can affect the outcome of a negotiation. Each stage of the negotiation process is dealt with in detail so the student can approach it with confidence. The pre-negotiation preparation, from identifying the context and parties" objectives to planning, formulating and evaluating an argument, is dealt with first. This is followed by an examination of best practice when dealing with information exchange, concessions, and decisions on an appropriate strategy, providing thorough preparation for situations that are common to professional life. Negotiation includes an account of the possible risks and difficulties likely to be encountered in a negotiation, and the student is given tips on contingency planning and common mistakes. Case studies are also used to demonstrate techniques and to allow students to test their knowledge.