West Indies; Correspondence relating to the volcanic eruptions in St Vincent and Martinique in May, 1902, with map and appendix
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1902 Excerpt: ... any injured or wounded, but that as St, Pierre had been their source of supply, it was necessary to bring them down to give them food from Fort-de-France, and our supply of rations was most acceptable on that account. Over two thousand, we were informed, had been brought down that day. Those that we saw appeared in good health and to be perfectly free from injury. They carried with them all the property they could, fearful, no doubt, of another eruption. Clothing, furniture, bedding, poultry and produce were carried in their 11918 6 hands, and they were to be billeted out in all the available buildings, chiefly schoolhouses in the town, and our rations were to be issued to them that evening. I may mention here that some of our party visited the "Suchet" in the course of the afternoon and received from her Commander the warmest expressions of thanks. He endorsed the opinion of the Chief Medical Officer, the Mayor, and the Acting Governor, that beyond supplies of provisions, there was nothing of which they were in urgent need. We embarked at Fort-de-France at about sunset and found the "Solent" still discharging her supplies. Two lighters were just leaving the ship loaded, and as soon as the last barrel was placed on the third lighter, we started for Barbados. I am therefore unable to produce the Mayor"s receipts, as time could not be allowed for us to wait for the lighters to reach the shore, and their contents verified, but a careful tally was kept of all goods that went over the ship"s side, which has been found to agree substantially with the statement, and the bills of lading furnished to Mr. Allder by Mr. Wright and the merchants respectively. We sailed from Martinique at about sunset, and reached Bridgetown yesterday morning, Havin...