Beyond Casseroles: 505 Ways to Encourage a Chronically Ill Friend (Conquering the Confusions of Chronic Illness)

Price 6.30 - 7.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780971660069

"Call me if you need anything. . . " Most of us have said this because we didn"t know what else to say. We care, but how do we show it? Does a casserole really encourage someone? Why don"t people ever call? If you have picked up the phone to call someone who is ill and have had a wave of fear wash over you (what do I say?) This book is for you! Packed with 505 ways to encourage a friend, from what to say, what not to say, things to write in cards or emails, gift ideas, things to bring when visiting in the hospital or someone at home, you will find yourself flipping through it to get an idea for someone you care about who is hurting (and not just those with illness).