Pennsylvania Payroll Guide 2010 Edition

Price 229.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780735582323

Written in clear, non-legal language for payroll and financial managers, Aspen Publishers" Pennsylvania Payroll Guide is the only all-in-one resource for employers that must comply with Pennsylvania"s complex payroll laws. Filled with explanations, examples, and practical advice, this 1,800-page reference covers every Pennsylvania state and local payroll law, including both tax and non-tax laws. This vital sourcebook also features complete local payroll tax rules for all 2,900 taxing jurisdictions in the state, focusing on Pennsylvania"s local earned income tax withholding and reporting requirements. The Pennsylvania Payroll Guide includes: An extensive chart that lists the municipality and school district rates, for both residents and nonresidents as well as tax collector information, and the emergency and municipal services tax withholding and reporting requirements, together with tax amounts and tax collector information ALL IN ONE SPOT FOR EACH OF THE 2,900 JURISDICTIONS Separate sections for the unique payroll tax laws of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Scranton A ZIP-code converter table The 2010 Edition of the Pennsylvania Payroll Guide brings you up-to-date on the latest developments in Pennsylvania state and local tax laws and Pennsylvania state labor laws. Among the highlights: Complete and up-to-date coverage, including a Countywide Tax Collection Timetable, of future changes to the EIT and LST collection process Updated EIT and LST rates for all taxing jurisdictions and their respective tax collector information, including Internet and email addresses, as well as fax numbers Decreased resident and nonresident withholding rates for Philadelphia State guidelines on reproduced and substitute forms Coverage of the upcoming mandatory electronic filing of all employer unemployment tax and wage forms Updated child labor law restrictions Details of extended Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) benefits to eligible unemployed workers Coverage of Philadelphia’s publicized list of tax delinquent businesses on its website Benefits of the upcoming Unemployment Compensation Modernization System (UCMS) to employers and third-party administrators Revised address information for the Department of Labor and Industry Major change when paying wages to teenagers New Scranton website (URL) Updated unemployment tax rates and benefit amounts New restrictions on mandatory overtime for health care workers Answers to frequently asked questions Revised examples Updated forms And more!