In Season ... Out of Season: Worship Resources for the Entire Year
Price 14.57 USD
(Lillenas Publications). 9 practical and creative hymns settings wich provide worship resources for use throughout the entire year Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, patriotic observances, and more. These distinctive arrangements feature the sparkling skills of veteran arranger, Melody Bober. Contents: Come, Ye Thankful People, Come * Easter Morning Medley (Crown Him with Many Crowns; Lead On, O King Eternal; Jesus Shall Reign) * Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho (duet arrangement for 1 piano, 4 hands) * Joy to the World * O Come, O Come, Emmanual * O How I Love Jesus * The Cross Medley (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross; Beneath the Cross of Jesus; Jesus Paid It All) * The Star Spangled Banner * When Morning Gilds the Skies.