Be Successful (1 Samuel): Attaining Wealth That Money Can"t Buy (The BE Series Commentary)
The secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered I was not God. So replied Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. to a young reporter"s question on the occasion of the renowned Supreme Court Justice"s ninetieth birthday (1931). His quip evokes more theological truth than even he might have intended; for true success in this world is rooted first in the premise that God is in control . . . and I am not. Wiersbe"s study of 1 Samuel examines what truly made David a great success - being a follower "after [God"s] own heart." (1 Sam. 13:14). The amazing narrative of 1 Samuel powerfully presents to us the contrast between King Saul"s tragic fall and David"s life of victory. You will see how true success is defined by character, forged--even in the fires of failure--by a sincere, obedient, and abiding faith in the One True God. And as you follow this story of one man"s rise to greatness, you will find yourself grappling with the same tough question: "How do I define greatness?"