Two years in Fiji

Price 15.63 - 15.69 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781230253138

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1875 edition. Excerpt: ... CHAPTER XIV. The Government consolidates its Power--The Supreme Court--The Police Court--The case of Rees--Parliamentary Opposition disavowed--Issue of Paper-money--More Grievances--The Ku Klux --Fall of the Ministry--Accession of Mr. Thurston --Mr. Woods Premier--The Ba River District--Native Outrages--Conduct of the Ministers who visited the District--Political Action of the Planters--A Civil War imminent--Interference of H. M. S. "Dido" --Last Session of the Triennial Parliament--Unsettled State of the Country generally--Threatened Secession of Maafu--Attempt to enfranchise Natives--Collapse of the Attempt at Self-Government-- Arrival of Commodore Goodenough and Mr. Consul Layard. IN spite of the growing opposition, which, however, was as yet confined almost entirely to Levuka, the ministers continued to consolidate and increase their power. Dr. Macartney, an ex-member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria, was appointed, with a salary of 500/. a year; many bills, principally relating to the imposition of taxes and the administration of justice, were drafted ; a budget was sketched out, a post-office established in Levuka, in opposition to the one already existing at the British Consulate; Levuka itself constituted a municipality; the construction of public offices, and a House of Parliament, commenced; and many other reforms either promised or undertaken. As has been already stated, the Code of Hawaii and subsequently that of Victoria had been adopted by the King in Council as the statute law of Fiji. To administer this a Supreme Court was now established in Levuka, presided over by three judges. Minor courts were also established in most of the outlying districts. These were under the direction of the local chiefs, aided by some...