How to Paint Portraits in Pastel

Price 21.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780823024650

Dust jacket notes: "Pastel has been a favorite medium for painting portraits for four centuries. This comprehensive book shows the portrait painter of today - both amateur and professional - how to exploit the vital color, varied textures, and spontaneous handling that make pastel anideal medium for portraiture. The author introduces themany types of pastel and shows how to use soft, semihard, and hard pastels in different phases of portrait painting. He recommends basic colors for the reader"s palette, suggesting methods of palette layout to expedite the process of painting. To acquaint the beginning portraitist with the feel of pastels, there are exercises in crosshatching, juxtaposing, dotting, scumbling, blending, etc. In a chapter on laying in of colors, the author discusses three basic methods: building up, pointillism, and rubbing in. He then offers suggestions for setting up a workable studio and for positioning sitter and painter...."