Learning a Living: A Guide to Planning Your Career and Finding a Job for People with Learning Disabiliites, Attention Deficit Disorder,
Price 18.95 USD
At last, a career guide written for people with learning disabilities by someone with firsthand experience! Learning a Living, the only book on the subject of careers and the challenges of learning disabilities, discusses everything you need to know in order to find a job that uses your strengths and minimizes the effects of your disability. This comprehensive book addresses career issues for high schoolers, college students, and adults with learning disabilities, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder. Brimming with ideas, Learning a Living emphasizes self-awareness, a positive attitude, research, and enlisting the help of others as the keys to success. Topics include: assessing strengths and weaknesses; educational options; resume writing; interviewing skills; accommodations on the job; mentors; and networking. Anyone entering the workforce for the first time or hoping to change careers will want to refer to this one-of-a kind resource.