Live & Work in Saudi & the Gulf

Price 19.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781854582393

Provides an indispensable source of knowledge for all those hoping to work in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. In addition to giving all the facts on where the jobs are and how to get them it gives essential information on the customs, laws, regulations and way of life that will be encountered there and how to adapt to them. Special features include regional employment guides, directories of major employers and personal case histories from people who have made the move there. The book provides essential insider information and advice to help the reader secure a residence permit, find their ideal home, open a bank account and get the right health care. For those looking for work it lists the skills and trades most in demand and is packed with useful contacts to help find the right job, as well as explaining how to start or buy your own business.